Xirene vaart mee met de Pacific Puddle Jump Rally!


Inmiddels 22 jaar geleden is een community ontstaan van boten die van Amerika naar Frans Polynesie zeilen. Het begon heel klein, inmiddels zijn er jaarlijks zo’n 100 jachten die deelnemen aan de rally. Ook de Xirene is van de partij, naast nog 4 Nederlandse boten.  De deelnemers delen hun ervaringen en verwachtingen Zie http://www.pacificpuddlejump.com/ voor interessante informatie!

Ever since Latitude 38 editors coined the phrase ‘Pacific Puddle Jump’ 22 years ago, we’ve taken great pleasure in supporting, and reporting on, the annual migration of cruising sailors from the West Coast of the Americas to French Polynesia.

Boats from many nations register with the rally (currently free of charge), and they depart any time between late February and early June from various points along the West Coast, with the largest concentration of passage-makers jumping off from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and Balboa, Panama.

There is no committee boat, nor are there mandatory daily radio check-ins, however, several radio nets always evolve, which are administered voluntarily by fleet members.